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Free Cash Flow is King

We often hear that ‘cash is king’ but what does it really mean for a business? Fundamentally, it means that focussing on the cashflows of a business is the best way to manage its operations.

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Laptop and mobile phone theft is a sad fact of life

When companies buy phones not only do they have to spend the initial outlay, but they need to budget for ongoing insurance or loss replacement. 

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You hate hassle; we love dehassling

Business managers have a lot to think about. We don’t need to tell you that running a business is a hugely time-consuming and stressful experience.

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Keeping your device fleet always up to date

The expense of continuously buying the latest devices can prevent us from upgrading our business technology as often as we would like

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Optimizing your TCO using INKI DaaS

Hardware ownership is an expensive undertaking. Find out why the the total cost of ownership (TCO) reduction may be the top benefit of DaaS.

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The benefits of cost certainty

We live in a world full of uncertainty. This can make business management incredibly challenging, so you need to know the benefits of cost certainty in your company

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Hassle-free mobile device management

For a business owning their laptops and mobile phones, ongoing device management is hassle. Accidents happen, losses occur, thefts are a sad fact of life. 

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