We get it We care about our clients, too

We are here to help you serve your clients even better, through our world-first all-inclusive device rental service.

A fair and mutually advantageous partnership

By becoming an INKI partner, you will be able to offer your customers a complete device rental service, which includes financing, insurance, security and maintenance, in exchange for a simple monthly subscription.

Your customers will benefit from a quality service that will help them manage their business more efficiently, while you will benefit from improved retention of existing customers, increased ability to attract new ones, and an attractive sales commission. 

Easy to manage, both by you and your customers

INKI's service is exceptionally friendly with the end customer, and implicitly for you, covering all the needs necessary to support the rented devices, including:

  • Processing of insurance claims
  • Payments
  • Data protection
  • Device warranty
  • Personalized services
  • Existing fleet buyback

Häufig gestellte Fragen

What are the costs of having INKI as a partner?

While other financing partners you might have to pay a commission, with INKI we pay you a cost of acquisition. The amount is linked to the total volume and the value of devices, as well as the targets you set for yourself. You can structure this revenue as an upfront fee or a recurring commission that follows the subscription. Thus, we help you generate more revenue, while delivering more value to your clients

What happens to my clients once they get your subscription service? Are they still my clients?

INKI handles the recurrent payments and customer servicing and there is a direct contract between INKI and your clients. Still, you will have access into our Customer Relationship Management portal, and you will retain client ownership. Come renewal, you can reach out the client and ensure they remain with us for another term. You can those generate recurring revenue

Will i have targets imposed by INKI?

It’s always good to have a plan and act upon it. You will have targets, but some we will agree upon together, nothing is imposed on you. These are actually the start of our conversation.

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